The Family that Kicks Together Sticks Together Part 1

Martial arts have been shown to provide mental and physical health benefits like weight loss, muscle gain, stress relief, and self-confidence. Karate training also reduces depression, improves circulation, and improves overall health of the body. Now more than ever, lots of parents, kids, and siblings are training together. This builds family unity and gives everyone the chance to teach and learn from each other.

Traditional martial arts are founded on the body’s natural design. As a result, many styles are primed to develop a stronger core. In quality programs, the focus is first placed on growing muscles to be more powerful, flexible, and durable. This helps the student’s body cope with more demanding challenges in advanced training without injury.

Building speed with power and direction is the next focus of many karate programs. Regular training strengthens key areas of the body such as arms, legs, hands, and feet. Most martial arts develop these parts with a variety of stretches, exercises, and techniques to help them resist pain and fatigue. The body’s core mid-section or torso, belly, back, and hips are also trained. Results start to show in time, and students soon see and feel themselves getting toned, strong, and fit. This great experience encourages more training, healthier eating, and avoiding unhealthy habits.

Karate training is proven to help people be more organized in their daily lives. Teachers instill life skills like self-control, patience, goal setting, persistence, and courtesy. Combined with the physical fitness benefits, these life skills help transform all family members into confident, capable, and reliable leaders!