Keeping It Real: Addressing Emotional Fatigue

Keeping It Real: Addressing Emotional Fatigue

Proud Ninja Parent, do you find yourself in a season of overwhelm? Do you find yourself short-tempered, struggling to cope with the demands of your work, family life and beyond?

Oh my friend… You are not alone in this season!

Keeping it Real…

 1. We collectively continue to ebb and flow through an extraordinary season!

· Parents, honoring this time, place and space we are all in deserves truthful acknowledgment. Yes, life right now continues to move forward in a rapid, shift-on-demand pace far beyond our control when it comes to changes in school, policies at work i.e. working from home or office, etc.

2. Cortisol is running high as some continue to exist in a state of survival.

· Parents, yes… The struggle of the push, pull and stretch upon you is very real. Our minds, hearts and spirits to a degree have been in a state of survival mode as we try to support not only ourselves but our kids, our partners, loved ones, friends and community in this time. That is an extraordinary weight upon ones shoulders to bear!

Proud Ninja Parent, I see you, I hear you and I feel you. There is so much heavy all around us and yes it is a lot.

But… To believe that you are alone or that there isn’t a ray of hope, light, love and support at hand would be untrue!

We are here to have your back and support you every step of the way. We are here to hold your hand in spirit on the heaviest, emotionally tough days. We are here to be a light in a dark place for not only your kids but you too!

“As children develop, their brains “mirror” their parent’s brain. In other words, the parent’s own growth and development, or lack of those, impact the child’s brain. As parents become more aware and emotionally healthy, their children reap the rewards and move toward health as well. That means that integrating and cultivating your own brain is one of the most loving and generous gifts you can give your children.” Daniel J. Siegel, M.D. and Tina Payne Bryson, M.D., The Whole Brain Child.

This is one of my most favorite quotes from the book The Whole Brain Child because it is the gut check that I need and one that I share with you today in love, light and truth.

Parents, your care of self physically, mentally, emotionally and socially is just as critical as that of your children. While we often put ourselves in last place for care, reflection and rejuvenation, it’s time to turn that way of being and thinking around if we are to be the parents and role models our kids need us to be.

Now before the cortisol rush hits of, “How am I supposed to take care of myself physically, mentally, emotionally and socially?” Let’s break down some reasonable baby steps towards greater care of self:

1. Physically: Make yourself a delicious smoothie in the morning for on-the-go breakfast, packed with nutrients your body needs to fuel your mind, body and spirit from the inside out.

2. Mentally: Turn off notifications on your phone before you crawl into bed, allowing your mind and heart space to rejuvenate every night.

3. Emotionally: Every time your phone goes off with a text, email or social media notification, inhale for 5 seconds, exhale for 5 seconds; come back to your breath, body and center to ensure that you are responding with clarity vs. reacting out of emotion.

4. Socially: Lean into those who surround you with love, light and truth. This is not the time to turn to influences that don’t have your back, but rather leaning into confidants that you know have your best interest at heart.

These suggestions, baby steps, are a spring board to bringing you back into a flow of thriving vs. surviving. If you find yourself needed more help, guidance, tips and support, then please don’t stay silent. Our amazing team is here to help! Please reach out to us so that we can continue to encourage your aching spirit. Remember, even in the darkest night, the stars still shine bright! Reach for the stars, the light you need to help you today and through this season. Together, we will again welcome the breaking dawn!