Welcome Spring!
The powerful promise of new beginnings is once again upon us! Outside our front doors, the clear blue skies with warm, golden sunshine, emerging green grass, budding trees and blossoms all welcome us to a new season of play, joy, fun, laughter and precious memories just waiting to be made.
Spring is such a special time of year and one which parents and children alike can all embrace! While there is certainly a time and place for rest, snuggling up close together by a cozy fire while the winter winds howl, there is also the time to spring into rejuvenation of the mind, body and spirit!
As we all begin to wake from winters hibernation, what a great opportunity the new season provides us all; to consider with fresh eyes new inspiration that may assist our families in our collective wellness journey! Let’s spring into a few fun tips to enjoy as the weather warms up:
1. “Let’s go fly a kite!” Recapture the spirit and wonder of your youth alongside your child as you take a sunny, spring afternoon to enjoy a picnic in the park while flying your favorite kites together. Flying kites not only nurtures everyone’s physical activity but ones mental and emotional health as well. There is something so peaceful and joyful about watching a kite dance against a clear blue sky as you and your child tango in time with the push and pull of the wind!
2. Bubble Monster! The power of breath for children and grown ups alike is vital for everyone’s physical and emotional regulation. Heading outside to enjoy some big bubble monster time, seeing who can blow the most gigantic bubbles is great play with purpose. Want to take your bubble monster fun to an epic new level?! Then check out this DIY “How to Make Giant Bubbles!” from WhatsUpMoms on YouTube: https://youtu.be/Vb6g87nA6uk
3. Rain Dance! “April showers bring May flowers!” Spring rain days don’t need to mean the end of outdoor fun! Put on your galoshes and ponchos, head outside and splish, splash in the puddles with your kids! Parents, I promise this will be a memory not soon forgotten by your precious littles. To see mom and dad step outside of their predictable boxes, bringing their inner child out to play for the day as you dance together in the rain is absolutely priceless. Have no fear… Hot showers, fluffy towels and warm cups of cocoa are standing by post rain dance for all to enjoy!
Need some more fresh inspiration tips to rejuvenate your family’s minds, bodies and spirits this spring? Feel free to connect with one of our amazing team members! We love supporting families in connecting with each other and staying active together. May the promise and joys of spring truly inspire you and your family to blossom into all the awaiting adventures before you!